Friday, December 1, 2017

Polarized Glasses for Fishing

In addition to being the owner of Tsaina Lodge in Alaska, Jeffery Scott Fraser is an investor in Job Pose, a company that matches job seekers with employers through new and innovative methods. Away from business, Jeffery S. Fraser enjoys fishing. 

One of the biggest problems anglers have while fishing is a lack of visibility due to glare. Sunlight reflects from the water’s surface and makes seeing below the surface nearly impossible. 

Fortunately, polarized sunglasses drastically cut glare by limiting horizontal light rays. This means anglers can visually inspect the water for fish or likely grouping spots, such as a downed log or underwater grass. 

The added visibility greatly cuts down on guesswork. Anglers see the most benefit from polarized lenses when the water is calm and the sun’s altitude is between 30 and 60 degrees. On choppy water, such as the ocean, polarized glasses do not work as well since light reflects from all different angles.

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